1.  The first one is reading a wide variety of books and other reading materials, while the other one is translating and memorizing a lot of words.

2.  In the second place, the personnel director assumes that the more one reads, the more information one can absorb.

3.  Thirdly, the author support his argument by mentioning that the faster one can read, the more information one can absorb in a single work day.

4.  Then, the arguer does believe that the faster one can read, the more one can absorb.

5.  And to make it more persuasive, the augur provides the example of two distinguished graduates as well as the assumption that the faster one can read , the more information one can absorb to approve the worth in the course; on the other hand, the price per employee seems acceptable, which makes the author believe that it would lead to the great benefit if require all the employees to take the course.

6.  Maybe the faster one can read, the more information one can absorb in a single workday, and take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Courses may improve the productivity of employees, but the recommendation does not provide reasons strong enough to make the president adopt the idea that Acme should require all the employees to take the Easy Read course\

7.  In addition, he indicates that faster one can read, the more information he or she can absorb.

8.  Reading fast is useful to people, from which the author assumes that the faster one read, the more information one can absorb in a single workday.

9.  Nevertheless, it seems that an employee's promotion is more highly associated with his intellects, experiences, and contributions, not only one's reading speed.

10.  Second, the argument states that the faster one can read, the more information one can absorb.

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