1.  I won't need to struggle under the pressure of heavy course any more.

2.  You may need to try several different associations before you find one that works.

3.  You don't need to spend a lot taking a good care of it.

4.  Women don't need to be obsessed with trying to look Cindy Crawford, because men don't even notice 97 percent of the beauty efforts women make.

5.  We don't need to be involved in traffic congestion any more, which in turn provides us with plenty of time and less trouble.

6.  They don't need to rely on their husbands.

7.  We do need more smart and bright brains to improve the current world.

8.  We don't need to copy or duplicate the footprint of his.

9.  We don't need to go out to attend classes.

10.  We don't need to pay large amounts of money to go to the best school.

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