1.  All these jobs are open to women, even though we can't deny that some men ever try to enter into the special trade and wish to be accepted by the society.

2.  Beside these, men often try new things bravely and think about do some inventions.

3.  Secondly, when men try to make a decision, they will take a long-time consideration and that is what we called rational.

4.  Last but not least, when facing frustration, women have a tendency to talk to a reliable partner and men will often try to find a solution.

5.  In the past, people always endorse the perspective that men should try their best to work for peanuts and women just need to stay at home to keep house.

6.  And men always try to avoid the subordinate position, in the hope of not being put down and pushed around.

7.  Meanwhile, when talking, women always complain men don't listen though men try to get it all the time.

8.  So men try to avoid being put down.

9.  Men will also try keeping their eyes anchored on the opposite.

10.  Men's world, comparatively speaking, ,is more competitive and hierarchical, where talk maintains independence and status, which may result in that men try their best to protect themselves from being put down and pushed away.

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