1.  What will happen if you see it up to 10 times?

2.  Although accidents will happen, what we must remember is we are the master of our fate, which indicates the perfect life is the result after we spare no effort to realise our goals.

3.  That will not happen until 2003, though.

4.  What will happen to you if you stay home all day and sit in front of the computer ?

5.  Morever, things like the news will happen.

6.  Sometimes I ask myself: what will happen without him?

7.  What would happen if we made a survey of Chinese adults to know more about how they understand about scientific literacy?

8.  What will happen if a large number of robots occupy the earth?

9.  If they could direct themselves , the buskin wouldn't happen.

10.  From my point of view, that would never happen.

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