1.  Why is it necessary for modern universities to develop to be a good guide ?

2.  China deserves a lot of credit for the capacity it has developed to deal with flooding.

3.  But it needs to be developed to be more mature so it can meet our needs.

4.  Fairy tales are always developing to reflect the society.

5.  Only by these ways can children develop to be excellent adults.

6.  We should developed to be independent step by step and spare no effort to solve problems by ourselves instead of turning to parents for help.

7.  In my opinion, man should develop to adapt to the society.

8.  Someone says that the ultimate goal of human is to develop to be robots.

9.  With the computers being popularized, more and more software was developed in order to help people improve their efficiency.

10.  Legislation on this should be developed to guarantee consumers' right.

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