1.  They prefer to have a close talk to create their intimacy.

2.  talking creates intimacy .

3.  In addition to this, when talking, boys are accustomed to glancing at others periodically but girls confront each other directly to create intimacy.

4.  We can conclude from these differences that for girls , talk creates intimacy ; but for boys, talk maintains independence and status.

5.  While talking, girls prefer confronting each other while holding each other's hands, as talking creates intimacy and they desire to feel needed and supported.

6.  For women, talk creates intimacy and their greatest fear is being pushed away.

7.  As far as I'm concerned, for women , conversations create intimacy.

8.  The root reason of the problem is "the systematic differences in childhood socialization" where for girls, talk creates intimacy, but boys "prefer doing things together".

9.  For women, talk creates intimacy , while for men, doing things together is the cement that binds a relationship.

10.  For women talk creates intimacy.

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