1.  Since men rushed to the battlefront, women carried the burden of family and production.

2.  Mars-96 was carrying European and American instruments and a small amount of radioactive plutonium.

3.  Therefore, our government should carry out some effective action to standardize these beauty contests, in order to organize them more fairly in a better atmosphere.

4.  So, our government should carry out reforms in today's education system, like calling up children's curiosity, providing learning resources for teenagers and encouraging creativity, rather than pushing them to study.

5.  Perhaps, some corresponding reforms should be carried out to enhance the situation .

6.  If I were a superwoman, I would carry the excess food from the rich to the poor.

7.  Specially, in my opinion, a university should carry out general education to build the students' character and enrich their connotation at first two years since they don't actually know their true pursuit and who should they become.

8.  Besides, regulations on technology development should be carried out.

9.  He carried out an effective reform in Beida which promoted ideological liberation and academic prosperity .

10.  Therefore, I carried out a small-scale survey among my dorm mates.

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