1.  However, as for boys , bonds between them are based less on talking, more on doing things together.

2.  However, bonds between boys are based less on talking.

3.  However, bonds between the boys are based less on talking, more on doing things together.

4.  By contrast, bonds between boys are based less on talking, more on doing things together.

5.  However, bonds between boys are based more on doing things together.

6.  On the contrary, bonds between boys are based more on doing things together.

7.  On the contrary, bonds between boys are based less on talking , more on doing things together.

8.  However, bonds between boys are based more on doing things together.

9.  However, boys'relation bonds are based less on talking, more on doing things together.

10.  However, bonds between boys are based less on talking, more on doing things together.

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