1.  Finally, plenty of vocabulary can avoid some unnecessary embarrassment while communicating with people in the process of some words are lacking.

2.  Second, every contest can't avoid people cheating.

3.  To start with, study online can avoid the un-equality of eduction resources people enjoy as there are sufficient education resources on the Internet.

4.  So, they will avoid some talk.

5.  So we shouldn't avoid the feelings of attraction and the desires for companionship.

6.  So scientists cannot avoid the experience from out of their fields when they are working out problems.

7.  Besides, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us and moreover, they are dangerous to the people around.

8.  Thus, they could avoid possible trouble caused by inadequate or inaccurate information provided by an online store.

9.  Nevertheless, we should avoid the bad people , because they are dangerous.

10.  Meanwhile, we should avoid bad friends because they always do harm to us.

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