71.  Faced with the question if loving can interfere with our study, all of us must think whether university students can love.

72.  For example, teachers, parents or some conservative people think if students date with girl friend, it can have an effect on student's grade or good life.

73.  I think what the author put forward is just to the point.

74.  As a girl myself, I think what I look matters much and I always worry about my figure.

75.  They think what is more crucial is the inner beauty, not the outer beauty.

76.  I think what we can do is to use it properly.

77.  But I think if they balance study and love well, love will contribute to their study.

78.  Besides it, what will a girl think if she fails in a competition.

79.  I think if they can learn from each other, things will be better.

80.  However , as for girls , they take pleasure in hanging up with their friends and talking more in the family , because they think what is important is not the individual subjects that are discussed but the sense of closeness, a life shared , that emerges when people tell their thoughts, feelings , and impressions.

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