71.  Do all of them have a role to play in affecting people involved?

72.  With increasing frequency, public policy decision-making involves the sciences.

73.  Then, \

74.  Nowdays, it is universally acknowledged the scientific literacy is of great importance when involved with the development of a country as well as the progress of a nation.

75.  Another fascinating study which was reported in the journal Science in October 2008 involved hot and cold cups of coffee.

76.  Take translating for example , considering that a certain translator who merely devotes himself in English vocabulary and grammar without being in touch with any other courses now involves in translating a chemistry book into an English version, the accomplishment seems impossible due to his blank comprehension of chemistry, say, chemical reaction.

77.  At the same time, via exchanging and combining different ideas provided , all courses involved in absolutely have the opportunity to step forward together.

78.  Take translating for example , considering that a certain translator who merely devotes himself in English vocabulary and grammar without being in touch with any other courses now involves in translating a chemistry book into an English version, the accomplishment seems impossible due to his blank comprehension of chemistry, say, chemical reaction.

79.  At the same time, via exchanging and combining different ideas provided , all courses involved in absolutely have the opportunity to step forward together.

80.  Two examples that aptly illustrate this point involve the fields of chemistry and psychology.

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