61.  Recently the issue has aroused great concern among that whether the students should know the world.

62.  From where I am standing, the difference between active learning and passive learning is whether students know what to learn.

63.  When students know that the exam is assessing their learning methods, they may lose interest in learning.

64.  For example, high school students know that there not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with.

65.  In another word, an excellent student must know when to study and when to entertain themselves.

66.  These students know many aspects of knowledge.

67.  In my opinion, a university students should know how important the active learning is and learn how to study actively.

68.  This leads to the result that what students only know is the thing that they have learned in the school.

69.  Now I have been a college student I began know it.

70.  Only college students themselves knows that they are under a lot of pressure.

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