51.  We could easily forget what we learn during a short time memorizing the long lists after an exam you prepare but we hardly forget the words learn in a reading material like a novel you like.

52.  Last but not least, I should also study hard, since I must prepare myself for the future.

53.  She will stay up all night to prepare material for an event, and next morning enjoy the delight of success though she is extremely sleepy.

54.  In my opinion, if your aim is just to get a good score in the English exam, the best way for you to learn English vocabulary is to get a word list that is prepared for the test and try to memorize as many words on the list as you can.

55.  Second, preparing a word book for exam is to save much time, even you can accumulate the most words that is required for the test, you may speed numerous time, and you can utilize the time to do more exercise for the exam, not just search for the words one by one book or article.

56.  In their opinion they can prepare in university and they may be get their true love here.

57.  We should have many social activities so as to prepare for the future life.

58.  That sounds not bad because we can regard it as a review, but when the case happens to be we are preparing a upcoming examination, this approach is obviously not the one we should take.

59.  For example, students preparing GRE have to memorize one hundred thousand words; they can learn these words one by one using the list.

60.  For another thing, memorizing word lists is a direct way to prepare for the test, but it's not a good way to learn English.

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