51.  Summarizing all the points I've referred to above, I suggest every English learner to grasp and master it by reading extensively instead of driving yourself to translate or memorize a lot.

52.  They drove towards Spur where my father had a big farm.

53.  I have trouble both in life and study, which drives me mad.

54.  To our sadness, less than six months after their wedding, Clyde was driven to the hospital because of his left foot throbbing.

55.  After that, he was driven to the hospital many times but eventually, he survived.

56.  Thus, driven by irresistible tendency of cross cultural communication, we take advantage of international trade for improved quality of life, while we could not complete get rid of bias on races and groups.

57.  Gussie drove him to hospital.

58.  Less than 6 months after their wedding, Gussie drove my father to hospital, because of his illness.

59.  I can learn driving, cooking, Japanese as I couldn't when I was in high-school.

60.  Driven by those tests, student in China fall into the trend of reciting vocabulary books in order to get through the vocabulary problems.

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