41.  It's inevitable that individuals use gender-congruent self-knowledge while working on gender-typed tasks and form a potential expectation of their performance.

42.  In that sense, men and women attend to their own responsibilities and work in cooperation with a due division of labors.

43.  As we all know, English is becoming more and more important under the trend of globalization, especially for us who often need to read a number of academic paper in English and will work in the filed of medicine finally.

44.  Women started to work outside home, though the opportunities were limited.

45.  If a girl can do labor work better than men, there's no reason to force her sitting in the office idly; on the other hand, if a man loves taking care of children and cleaning up, he might be a good "house-husband".

46.  When teachers work in university, they teach students knowledge and other good things.

47.  We should work together to help our universities develop day by day.

48.  They needed to work and protect their home from defenders.

49.  Parents both work to gain the living, and have nearly the same obligation.

50.  Women could do some heavy and dangerous labor work or play the role of a stateswoman like Mrs. Thatcher if they are interested in those jobs.

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