31.  What's more, even you have wonderful approaches to helping you memorize words fast, you definitely cannot enjoy the pleasure and experience the advantages produced by the "reciting while reading" strategy.

32.  Differences produce boundaries.

33.  Today I am introducing to you a famous brush maker, the Yangzhou Jianghai Stationery Co. , Ltd, which is the largest brush maker in China specializing in producing artist brushes and other brushes.

34.  What's more, as a saying goes: "distance produces beauty".

35.  Now we are the largest brush maker in China specializing in producing artist brushes and other brushes .

36.  Yangzhou Jianghai Stationery Company produce a variety of brushes.

37.  We are the largest brush maker in China specializing in producing artist brushes and other brushes.

38.  And actually, even though , there will still be much differences to be produced in the groups.

39.  For instance, we plan to produce a kind of brushes which accumulate some existed brushes, which brings us much convenience when we feel like using all these brushes at the same time.

40.  If a student does not give himself away in love but takes it as a drive that push him forward, love produces a positive effect.

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