31.  Just like the title of the fiction, "Pride and Prejudice", such two negative personalities are very common among us nowadays.

32.  In this situation, men and women are not exactly equal.

33.  With the increasing number of private cars, these problems are more serious.

34.  At university , my English teacher focus on reading , so my reading level is excellent.

35.  In reality, my English is poor before.

36.  For this, I am very confused.

37.  In accordance with scientists' experiments, the tail-end of corpus callosum in women's brain is larger than that in men's brain.

38.  On average, men are about 10 centimeters higher and 10 kilograms heavier than women.

39.  At the beginning of the new semester, I'm very glad to learn english under the guidance of the teacher .

40.  Even in the problem of raising children, roles are different between men and women.

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