31.  In addition, force oneself to remember words can also be used as a way to motivate, attain confidence and to get started.

32.  We don't have the ability to come up with all the stereotypes, list them and force everyone to remember them in order to avoid them.

33.  However, she unsuccessfully sued Louisiana Bureau Vital Records to change her classification from black to white, and spent $20, 000 to force Louisiana to change her birth certificate.

34.  Last but not least , for me, a girl not leaving home for more than a week, life in college will be a new and challenging experience, urging me to grow up , forcing me to make decisions independently and set up my schedule scientifically and reasonably at the same time.

35.  It is hard to imagine anything worse than forcing yourselves to memorize numerous irregular combinations of characters.

36.  Compared to high school, teachers don't force us to study, but it dosen't mean we can do anything at will.

37.  When I was in secondary school, my parents would force me to study well and make progress every day.

38.  Though it is true that nobody forces you to do anything, you still have to work hard.

39.  Because I thought my life is so boring that I'm forced to do too much work which I'm not interested in.

40.  One of my classmates tells me that, when he was in primary school, every day his English teacher taught him a few native characters as well as their meaning in English rather than forcing everybody to memorize the vocabulary.

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