31.  Should the roles be settled or changeable?

32.  So, isn't it ridiculous to constrain each gender to a career box and demand them to play the provided role?

33.  To me, it will be better if asking in another way--should men and women still stick to their traditional duties nowadays?

34.  Having been in new era, the 20th century, what's the role of modern universities?

35.  Isn't it amazing?

36.  Isn't it very product that people in affluent society want?

37.  As is known to all, English is becoming more and more essential in modern society, especially to us graduate students of Nanjing University.

38.  Above all is my plan to learn English well.

39.  How amazing, isn't it?

40.  Is it courage, belief or just a piece of "leaf"?

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