31.  The listening should be about things that I'm interested in.

32.  None of these constituencies should be uncertain about any aspects of our vision for the future.

33.  Modern universities should not be simply a place for us to get information, but a place where students come to new points of view via free debates.

34.  In a word, modern universities should be multi-functional, while not driving away from the original intention of a university.

35.  The university should always be a free place for new thoughts and ideologies which act as the main power in the development of human history.

36.  In the new semester I want to improve the English ability for the future learning of my profession, so clear goals must be draw up.

37.  A good driver should be sensible.

38.  some rules should be obied.

39.  One day, we shall be able to actualize it.

40.  Concerning the growing competition and increased downward pressure on prices, we must be creative enough to improve our competitive ability.

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