21.  As I grow older, this dream becomes farther and farther away from me.

22.  As a result, they grow too fat, most likely to suffer from diseases like higherpertension and heart problem.

23.  We need to grow, and we need you to grow with us.

24.  We would grow up in this experience.

25.  But when I grow up, my thought changed a little.

26.  Occasionally, Clyde had a talk with a Willis girl-Gussie Lee-who had grown up around Spur.

27.  Nowadays , growing individual pay attention to whether university students can fall in love with their classmates .

28.  They subscribe to the view that academics need love than ever before , for they have grown up and must experience something different like love , which can help them learn from it .

29.  We want to grow, and we want you to grow with us.

30.  So college life in my imagination then was something about growing up and responsibility , rather than dwelling in paradise .

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