11.  If you want to handle a new language which is not the first language of yours, a very natural way is to learn the second language the way in which you learn your first language.

12.  The necessary that we communicate with others other than take a useless language test is the best motive to handle a second language.

13.  I believe these works will make me experienced in finding job in the future and handling it well.

14.  As we can see, memorizing English words from English materials helps us more than just remembering the new words but also the ability to handle our language skills.

15.  For example, in the sentence that "I'll address the question. ", the word 'address' means handling, not means pursuing.

16.  Compared with the native speakers, students learning English as a foreign language can't handle it very well, even we are inferior to a three-year-old boy.

17.  Last but not the least , you need to learn some talk skills , like how to make the other side be interested in your topic , or how to handle a hard situation .

18.  It may come soon to a museum near you, but chances are that it will be awhile before your home computer can handle the task.

19.  They often see the whole situation instead of a detailed point, which makes it easy for them to handle things such as relationships.

20.  When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end.

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