11.   I reckon he might have been too dazzled by the glitter around him even to shoot straight.

12.   I reckon most little boys believe that their favourite big brother can conquer the world and can do no wrong.

13.   I reckon the average user will keep it in working order for ages - I kill them at roughly yearly intervals.

14.   Its members reckon their enterprises have no future without price controls and government subsidies.

15.   Most people in bands have quite similar backgrounds and I reckon a lot of them shared the same experience as I did.

16.   Not up on my tribes, I reckon, but you can tell him it was a slick operation.

17.   Some urinary games are fairly harmless, but I reckon this one could damage your delicate vaginal tissue.

18.   Stonehenge has gone, so I reckon I can do me bit of growing up at Skipton Hall.

19.   The burghers of Birmingham also reckon the chevron-shaped symbol looks like a two-finger salute.

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