51.   Clearly those who run the global economy consider success in that area the prerequisite to meeting all other challenges.

52.   Congress is considering legislation that would ban such donations.

53.   Congress is considering raising the number of skilled workers who May enter the country each year.

54.   Congress is considering tax breaks to encourage investment.

55.   Consequently only short range variations and perturbations in the field need be considered when studying the behaviour of a particle.

56.   Considers the relationship between housing potential, urban quality and sustainable development for different categories of housing developments.

57.   County commissioners will consider the issue at their meeting Tuesday.

58.   Court has carefully considered arguments of counsel on each side of the issue.

59.   Dark meat has long been considered fatter and less tender than white meat, but more flavourful.

60.   Designers are considering enlarging and strengthening the concrete foundations, and anchoring them into Bay soils with steel pilings.

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