1.   This paper considers an SEIS epidemic model with infectious force in the latent period and a general population-size dependent contact rate.

2.   ELM also considers the effect of flushing rate within an estuary.

3.   This paper considers the numerical solution of optimal control problems involving a functionalI subject to differential constraints, nondifferential constraints, and terminal constraints.

4.   This paper considers a planar Bragg waveguide.

5.   Accordingly, this paper considers suicide of the aged to be a result of this disorientation.

6.   One considers the energy functional with density depending only on the first invariant of the strain tensor.

7.   The paper considers the propagation of the electromagnetic fields having a range of tens of cycles per second in a horizontally-inhomogeneous ocean.

8.   In a curvilinear quadrangle one considers an elliptic operator with linear principal terms and discontinuous leading coefficients.

9.   Finally, the article considers important new developments in United Kingdom legislation and suggests some possible amendments further to ameliorate the situation.

10.   This paper considers the problem of optimizing a nonlinear convex function which is, in part, defined by a simulation process.

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