11.   Anyone who understands the true potential of network technology considers such applications inevitable.

12.   Despite Bryant having a great season, Miles considers O'Neal to be the best player in the NBA.

13.   Despite the mismatch, The Sun considers the broadsheet Times _ not The Daily News or The New York Post, tabloids both _ to be its natural competitor.

14.   D'Addabbo considers the U.S. Constitution a sacred document.

15.   Department of Defense policy on these dogs, which the military considers equipment, is to put them to sleep.

16.   Despite what he considers a tormented childhood, Gallo doesn't see "Buffalo 66" as an excuse to punish his parents.

17.   Despite the neuropathy, Richards considers himself a lucky man.

18.   Despite the park's legendary designers, the group considers itself lucky to even have a city-employed gardener.

19.   Despite the public breakup and legal issues, he considers his life charmed.

20.   Despite those achievements, Marbury considers his career to be in its early stages.

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