1.   Better to do it now, considering that the Prom is only 5 days from the end of the As.

2.   bettr thn i expected:p the story was engaging,especially considering i hv already read the book multiple times:p

3.   between my thumb n index finger... bt m still considering la..

4.   Beyonce performance was beautiful considering I didn't like that song before.

5.   Bit of R&R at Dad's on south coast...marking (SCOP), writing, walking...and considering a movie (Public enemies, T2 or Terminator).

6.   Bite me, I have a headache that's considering turning into a migraine this morning.

7.   blehhhh i'm considering joining the army...seriously.

8.   block 2, so i will spend all of tourism studying, considering that i forgot my geography gear at school...

9.   blow would likely be cheaper considering the price of starbucks...

10.   both those things can be fixed, esp considering the possibility of #CAtweetupFall09!!!

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