61.   Studying abroad is widely considered as a good opportunity that can transform our life, we should take on it.

62.   Last but not least, e-books are considered to be environmental friendly.

63.   This rule was considered unassailable for thousands of years, no matter in the east or west.

64.   For thousands of years, women are considered to be the tender sex.

65.   Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, he is also considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre.

66.   Moreover, the teaching style and discipline of the class will be considered seriously as well.

67.   Women are considered to be soft, careful, thoughtful and fragile, so they are easily related to the jobs such as nurse, teacher, babysitter and secretary.

68.   In character, women are in common considered to be more scrupulous compared with men.

69.   What's more, when it comes to characteristics, men are considered decisive and bold while women considerate and gentle.

70.   He is also considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre.

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