81.   Destiny is something that few contemporary American novelists consider as part of a story.

82.   Despite all that training, Ms. Overstreet did not get a tenure-track offer from an institution she would consider joining.

83.   Developers in the area also consider it an effective way to provide a focus for population growth.

84.   Developing countries have made it clear that they will not consider binding targets until they see proof that the wealthy, industrialized countries are making amends.

85.   Despite all these innovations, cereal manufacturers might want to consider a simpler approach: just keeping kids at the breakfast table.

86.   Damon doesn't consider Ripley a despicable character, however.

87.   Dan Williams, UT-Arlington senior vice president for finance and administration, said the school probably will not consider such a move until fall 1997.

88.   Despite his hands-off view, Espinosa has begun to consider an exception _ Argentina.

89.   Diamondbacks chairman Jerry Colangelo did not even consider artificial turf.

90.   Daniels' relatives and his doctors consider his recovery from the beating a miracle.

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