21.   After this I consider the other system of beings, viz. the universe of thought, or my impressions and ideas.

22.   Nevertheless, this division of the province, situated only a few miles from the capital, is considered one of the best cultivated and most thickly peopled in all Iceland.

23.   You may consider, therefore, that at this precise moment our travels really commence.

24.   Contemporary woman's costume is considered, not as fashion, but as decorative line and colour, a distinct contribution to the interior decoration of her own home or other setting.

25.   To attain the age of seventy or eighty years is here considered an extraordinary circumstance.

26.   The valley of Thingvalla is considered one of the most beautiful in Iceland.

27.   The Icelanders consider this little green valley the finest spot in the world.

28.   When one of these puny stems reaches four feet in height, it is considered a gigantic tree.

29.   With his liberal views, he is apparently considered by the good people of Pittsfield as little better than a cannibal or a 'beach-comber.

30.   Professor Willis, however, considers there is little significance in the difference in the phrases used.

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