51.   Did I consider that it was no merit in me, or claim in me, that I loved her, when everybody must who knew her?

52.   CHAPTER XLIII So important did Theobald consider this matter that he made a special journey to Roughborough before the half year began.

53.   Again she considered.

54.   Mrs. Grose considered as if it were perhaps a little a case for a sense of shades.

55.   " Mrs. Grose considered, following the children again. "

56.   " He just considered. "

57.   Now I WAS, I said to myself, face to face with the elements, and for much of the rest of the day, while I fought my weakness, I could consider that I had been supremely rash.

58.   I had already considered that possibility.

59.   He would probably consider that to send back the launch or to keep it at a wharf would make pursuit easy if the police did happen to get on his track.

60.   Until lately, the bare supposition of such a thing was considered heretical.

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