71.   All that said to say, it is a good idea to consider all sides before rushing into a decision."

72.   Instead, it is about a strategic methodology that forces one to stop and consider how to avoid planting an unintentional minefield.

73.   Instead, let's consider that show one great big meltdown.

74.   Instead, most would consider these people refuse and gladly watch them being tossed aside as waste products of society.

75.   Instead, people who would already consider lobbying their MP will do more of it.

76.   Instead, suppliers use a sequence of calculations that consider local and state averages.

77.   Instead, the courts just make this stuff up, as they do when they consider whether statutes have rational bases.

78.   Instead, the Office of Appeals retains jurisdiction to continue to consider collection issues over time.

79.   Instead, the owner should consider that the tenant will chose an alternative building.

80.   Instead, they said Israel would consider airstrikes, including attempts to kill Hamas leaders.

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